Friday, May 23, 2014

Even Samsung and LG phones with sapphire

Apple has invested heavily in the production of glass from safari , and its future products like the iPhone 6 and iWatch will reportedly come with new screen technology - namely material called sapphire .
And now according to a recent report , said that some other companies are looking to create sapphire screen , which will use their phones and tablets young , including industry big names like Samsung and LG .

According to various reports in the Korean media say that Samsung and LG have been talking with sapphire glass manufacturers , which means that they are considering the use of sapphire in smart phones and their tablets in the future close .

Most manufacturers of smart phones currently use the glass Gorilla Glass , while the sapphire glass is currently used only by Swiss manufacturer of watches , because this kind of material is durable and not a thorn, and this makes it ideal for mobile and tablets .

This is one of the reasons why Apple has invested so much in this technology , and now it seems that other manufacturers are also looking to create their display devices in sap
phire .

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