Saturday, May 24, 2014

The bad news for Apple iPhone 6

The changes that will come with the iPhone 6 will only exceed innovations in design and aesthetics of the phone . This is because Apple will reportedly also bring NFC mobile payments technology , the new generation of iPhone .
According to a source "close to the matter " who spoke to BrightWire say that Apple has already reached an agreement with the Chinese company China UnionPay , the integration of banking services in Passbook .

Hopefully , the new function will focus on the application , and will allow users scanning iPhone or iPad for things like plane ticket verification .

The news source says that the partnership between Apple and UnionPay will enable realization of the payment of the machines " QuickPass " through the use of NFC ( Near Field Communication ) , which will be the iPhone 6 .

The two companies will reportedly create a payment solution that can be used for purchases in Apple stores .

Despite the joy that can create this news for Apple users , the same should be aware that this specific new iPhone , should make the phone even more expensive .

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